We’re still here …

After a somewhat hectic summer of weddings, choral singing and appearing in our pirate disguises as 60% of Captain Morgan’s Rum Do we’re getting back into rehearsing and performing mode with our Triangle hats on. You may have missed our brief appearance, busking before the Trianon Music Group‘s concert in September, but we will be appearing at the Oxjam Festival in Bury St Edmunds on Saturday, 25th October (we’re on at about 2.30 pm) and we will also be at Loughton Folk Club‘s annual Protest Night on Sunday, 2nd November in aid of Amnesty International. This is always a good, thought-provoking evening which also manages to be great fun.

We will be running our Seasonal Session at the Dove Street Inn on Sunday 14th December, so, whether you plan to celebrate Yule, Christmas, Chanukah or any other mid-winter festival (or none at all) please come along. We usually get under way at around 2 pm until, until … well, until we run out of steam, really, which could be anything between 5 pm and chucking-out time.